Silicon Catalyst Event

2023 Silicon Catalyst Fall Forum - Welcome to Our AI Wonderland

Thanks to the author Lewis Carroll, the phrase “wonderland” has been defined as a place that elicits admiration and wonder, to create a place of magical charm. But as we’ve seen and experienced in 2023, in the context of AI, it takes on a more relevant meaning as a place of great opportunity and potentially serious concerns - that generative AI might pose a “civilizational risk”, as recently reported to have been stated in US Congressional hearings by a well known high-tech executive.

Silicon Catalyst Thought Leadership Series - From AR/VR to Metaverse

“From AR/VR to Metaverse”

The latest McKinsey research shows that the metaverse has the potential to generate up to $5 trillion in value by 2030. It's an opportunity too big to ignore. [source]

The Metaverse may be the next “Big Thing” of the information age. It has sparked controversies and a bucketload of questions, amongst them: what exactly is the Metaverse; what are its components; how do Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality play into it; what are the potential applications; who will drive its adoption and how will it impact business and social lives? 

Silicon Catalyst Thought Leadership Series - How Safe Are We with Today’s ADAS?

“How Safe Are We with Today’s ADAS?”

A Webinar

Talking safety is easy. Claiming safer vehicles is a breeze if you don’t have to back your boasts with proof. SAE levels are product categories, not evidence of any degree of safety.

In this webinar, we share candid insights from leading thinkers and tech developers in a quest to establish clearly where the auto industry stands with sensing technologies and the perception hardware/software stack, as it relates to both driver and pedestrian safety. One of today’s key technology issues is whether carmakers can honestly tell consumers: “We’ve got you covered.” If this isn’t quite so, what is still missing?

Spring 2022 Advisor Event

Invited speaker - Dr. Ron Weissman, board member of the Angel Capital Association and the Band of Angels.

Dr. Weissman will be presenting an abbreviated version of his “Startup Boards Workshop”.

As advisors, your interaction with our Portfolio Company CEOs affords you an opportunity to introduce and reinforce industry “best practices”. Beyond the technical and business development aspects of the startup’s journey to business growth, equally important is the area of corporate governance. This session will also benefit our CEOs as they set up their boards and subsequent meetings.

What to know about Investing in Semiconductor Startups - A Webinar

“From AR/VR to Metaverse”

The latest McKinsey research shows that the metaverse has the potential to generate up to $5 trillion in value by 2030. It's an opportunity too big to ignore. [source]

The Metaverse may be the next “Big Thing” of the information age. It has sparked controversies and a bucketload of questions, amongst them: what exactly is the Metaverse; what are its components; how do Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality play into it; what are the potential applications; who will drive its adoption and how will it impact business and social lives?