SiliconCatalyst.UK and Heriot-Watt University GRID
June 2022
Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing of Semiconductor Startups.
part 2

Silicon Catalyst and Heriot-Watt University GRID delivered the second in the series of the forming ⏰ storming❗norming❓and then performing 🕺 of UK semiconductor startup companies in Edinburgh yesterday to a sold-out event!
These events have been conceived to help new semiconductor founders learn from the ⭐ legends ⭐ of our UK semiconductor industry.
Steve McLaughlin kicked us off with a wonderful insight into the strengths of Heriot-Watt University semiconductor research, entrepreneurship and startup commercialisation.
✅ The ⭐ legend ⭐ Jed Hurwitz Fellow from Analog Devices took us through how bad things "nearly" happen to good people with a deep insight into how he achieved three successful semiconductor start-up exits. Just fantastic.
✅ Then it was all about the team from a very thought provoking Keith Muir Founder and CEO of the brilliant Cytomos backed up by the gregarious Richard Ord from hot new startup Quantum Power Transformation Ltd explaining how their tiny packed revolution in power drive semiconductors is born from years of ingenuity and unique experiences gained by its founder Rob Gwynne.
✅ After a well received break of refreshments, with opportunity to see our exhibitors Synopsys Inc Imagination Technologies 360WORK IC Resources TechWorks NMI & IoTSF, we were given a great introduction to the hugely generous Arm University and Flexible Access program by the very knowledgeable Andrew Pickard & Nivetha Sundararajan.
✅ We then dived into "What problem are you solving" with the ⭐ legend ⭐ Donald McClymont who with the spectacular indie Semiconductor has achieved the holy grail of semiconductor startups by floating on Nasdaq. Wow! This talk makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up on end. Don't miss the video.
✅ Our Silicon Catalyst advisor & In Kind Partner Asen Asenov stormed through how he performed with perfection to create the world leading GSS ltd as a part-time CEO whilst still working as professor University of Glasgow He was followed by the fascinating technology from Brian Gerardot CEO of Atomic Architects on the Heriot-Watt University campus that has the potential to transform feature rich semiconductor manufacturing.
✅ We concluded the presentations with the ⭐ legend ⭐ Pete Hutton Chairman of our In Kind Partner Agile Analog and Cambridge GaN Devices Ltd providing the gold-dust of advice for raising semiconductor startup funding from Angel or VC investors backed up by an early stage & very exciting Heriot-Watt University semiconductor startup @Infinect and the passionate Samuel Rotenberg delivering the first hybrid flat panel antenna for broadband satellite technology.
A huge thank you to all those that attended, contributed and most importantly not forgetting the hard work from Leanne Gunn and the fantastic team at Heriot-Watt University GRID. Great to see David Richardson the instigator of our fruitful collaboration with Heriot-Watt University to help create more exciting semiconductor startups in Scotland.